The third trimester

Patience, patience now!

You can't wait to see your baby! You are only a few more months away (unless you are having a preemie).

It is a reassuring delight to feel the baby move at specific times-especially after eating when the blood sugar level shoots up.  It is normal for baby movement to slow down closer to delivery as the baby might be running out of space in the uterus. But let your doctor know if you don't feel any movement or feel very few movements.

Check if you have checked these off your to-do list:

-Getting the house and yourself ready for the baby
-Shopping for items that you need for yourself and for the baby (if you know you are going to have a baby shower, you can wait a little bit so that you don't buy the same stuff)
-Getting your hospital bag ready
-Deciding on storing your baby's cord blood (more on this later)
-Arranging for support during childbirth and after
-Enrolling in childbirth, baby care, and infant CPR classes
-Continuing your pre-natal yoga and breathing exercises, walking everyday
-Getting your car seat installation verified by the highway patrol (schedule an appointment with them many weeks before the due date)