Exercising and yoga

Get out and have fun now! You are not going to be able to travel for a while after the baby is here.
It is ok to hike and bike the first few months. After the fourth month , biking is not encouraged as it may apply pressure on the baby.

It is hard to be motivated to exercise when you are tired. So rest, rest, and rest. The pain only worsens as the tummy grows heavier, as the spine bends over backwards (pun intended!) to support the back. Take up a non-strenuous option like pre-natal yoga. There are safe yoga postures that prevent back pain, a major problem faced by most pregnant women.

Also, during baby care classes you will be asked to practice the 'cat pose'-a yoga pose that helps the baby move down the pelvis, facilitating an easy and faster labor.

Do not do any exercises that apply pressure on the abdomen.
Walk daily. It will help keep the weight gain and the size of the baby in control.
-weight that you have to work to lose.