Formula vs Breast milk

Breast milk vs formula-The eternal battle

It is a well-known fact that breast milk is better for babies than formula. Try to breastfeed as much as possible. If you've tried everything and nothing works, it is ok to give the baby the bottle. It is important to breastfeed, but its more important to feed the baby properly so the baby can grow and stay healthy. Many mothers complain that though they breastfed, their kids suffered from ear infections. And, in spite of being breastfed  for a couple of years, in later life, their kids developed allergies and other diseases such as diabetes, asthma, etc.

Breast milk is not a panacea. Yes, it helps babies get a good start in life and helps their small bodies fight some infections. But ongoing nutrition and diet as the baby grows, play a significant role in its future health.
Babies fed formula are not dumber than babies fed breast  milk. At least there isn't significant research to prove that (there are many formula-fed kids that are Ivy League school grads!). It is more important to stimulate the baby's growing brain in the first few years of life to bring out the best in the child. So don't obsess if you can't breastfeed. Move on... Play with the child, don't make the pump your best friend. Get close to your baby, sleep with the baby only if it is safe (sleeping with the baby is not recommended in the US due to risk of SIDS, but in many other cultures, mom and baby are mostly together the first year). Closeness with your baby helps her gain a sense of security and research shows that babies that have had lot of love and affection  in the early years of their life, and good parental bonding and care, grow up to be trusting individuals that can have strong relationships.